It’s the year of putting yourself first, claiming what’s yours and being completely, utterly unapologetic about it.
It’s Twenty MineTeen, no more putting yourself, and your needs on the backburner!
It’s time to get what’s rightfully yours!
by QUOT4 December 24, 2018
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When rolling a 20-sided die in Dungeons and Dragons and getting a result of twenty on the die (before adding modifiers).
The rogue attacked the orc from behind and, by getting a natural twenty, scored a critical hit.
by lishenlong61 June 12, 2006
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AKA Twenty Hundreds, 20-Hundreds, 20 Hundreds, 20XXs, 20-00s etc
The period beginning in the year 2000 and ending in the year 2099.
Not to be confused with the 21st century (Twenty First Century, the period between January 1st 2001 and December 31st 2100), or the Two-Thousands (or 2000s the period which begins in the year 2000 and ends in the year 2999)
It is more than likely that humans will not have permanently colonized any of the areas outside of the Earth's atmosphere before the end of the late Twenty-Hundreds, which is a shame considering how overpopulated we will probably be by that time.
by Miskatonic Jack 2 October 23, 2006
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(n.) The involuntary contraction of muscles in the hand and toes, in combination with a exclamatory shout of immeasurable glee from the viewing of Fox Media's television show, "24". Said "Twenty-Fourgasms" occur in points of an episode when something is done that may cause awe or excitement. While not necessarily specific to any character, it tends to be triggered by main character Jack Bauer (played by Keifer Sutherland). A more specific climax of excitement specific to Keifer does exist. See "Keifer-gasm"
"It was weird wathing 24 with my dad last night. Every time Keifer did something great I had a "Twenty-Fourgasm" and my dad didn't know what I was doing"

"Goddamn, I can't even concentrate anymore, after that show, I ""Twenty-Fourgasmed" all over my pants."
by es invictus January 9, 2006
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When a man is kicked in the testicles, resulting in blackouts, inability to walk, and a jelhon.
"That guy got twenty-twoed."
by Bubba Johnson July 23, 2006
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The twenty pounds a freshman generally gains the first year away from home at college where no one watches over his or her eating habits.
Sheila came home from school with the Freshman Twenty showing in the way her clothes fit.
by SeaWolf June 12, 2004
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