
A tall annual dioecious plant (Cannabis sativa), native to central Asia and having alternate, palmately divided leaves and tough bast fibers.

Any of several mildly euphoriant, intoxicating hallucinogenic drugs, such as ganja, hashish, or marijuana, prepared from various parts of this plant.

A type of "weed", that is good for you contrary to belief. But like anything else, anything excedding normal moderation can be bad.
Connor - "Yo man let's go smoke some weed".

Bobby - "All right I need to get stoned".
by FSfaSFAvaVvdeve April 14, 2009
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People say a dog is man's best friend, i say weed is, weed is awsome!!!
hey man, wanna come over and smoke some weed before the track meet, would be fun to run the 100 stoned :p
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One of the best things this world has ever given to us, besides shrooms, it comes from a plant that grows just about anywhere. Usually, its rolled up and smoked in a joint or a blunt, you can also smoke out of a pipe, bong, hookahs, or vaporizers.
You can also use household items to make things to smoke from such as a gravity bong, which you make out of a bowl of water, a pop bottle and some foil, or you can smoke it out of a can.
Mary Jane
by Sunshine. November 4, 2007
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Good golly gosh!! That was weed Jimmy!
Oh you mean Marijauna? My daddy told me to stay away from that stuff.
by Thompsonite August 25, 2008
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"Weed is just 10 minutes north of Mount Shasta."

"Hey, do you go to College of the Siskiyous in Weed?"
"You mean Weed University?"
by muzicchick13 June 20, 2007
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The meaning of life. Higher is always better. Stoned is the best! But remember to not over do it! because you might tripp out if you take more than 12 hits and drink vodka! otherwise its Gods gift to people!
ed: Hey dude im so fuckin drunk right now!
adam: wow man that's not cool!
ed: why dude?
adam: Weed is so much better! Why drink and drive, when you can smoke and fly!?
ed: nice!
adam: WORD!
by icetea! November 2, 2009
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God's beautiful creation. Makes any stressed out, uptight person feel awwwsome! Pretty much the dankest thing on Earth.
Mannn: Hey mann, let's go smoke some weed..

Dude: Weed? No, mannn. Let's go drop some acid and snort a line of coke!

Mannn: I don't do drugs man.
by bahaha. rk June 22, 2009
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