To vaginally secrete so much that you need four million matresses.
The new Coldplay album makes me vaginate. Can someone get me another mattress?
by Thene June 25, 2005
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1. A super lesbian that takes male hormone injections to look more like a guy than they already do.

2. A skanky lesbian.

3. A guy who sleeps with just about every chick he sees.
Chris Crocker is a Vaginator (definition 1)

Britney Spears is a Vaginator (definition 2)

by xmyklx July 11, 2008
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Generally used to describe an above average experience or situation in a positive way.
The accommodations were truly vaginous.
by JP Vaginous August 24, 2007
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The sexist, though oftentimes welcomed, practice of repressing the masculine and replacing it with ultra-feminist thoughts, beliefs and actions in order to endear yourself to feminists.

In other words, this is the process where one allows people's views that masculine traits are evil and must be rooted out to cause that person to voluntarily root them out. Oftentimes, this is done by beta-males to appease a feminist whom they wish to have sex with.
The vaginization of 21st century men is causing irreparable harm to heterosexual relationships as roles are not clearly understood thus leading to stress within the relationship.

Tim's vaginization is going well. Soon you won't even know that he ever had balls and he might even get laid by one of those feminists.
by UcladudeJon April 1, 2016
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1. of or relating to the vagina
2. idiotic, bullshitting
1. Your mother is vaginal.
2. This homework is so vaginal.
by Bastardized Bottomburp May 14, 2003
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The act of exploring a vagina for recreational purposes.
I lost my watch went I went vagineering with my girlfriend over the weekend.
by madnis July 27, 2008
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A term used mostly by gay men to depict something unpleasant, foul, or undesirable. Often replaces words such as stupid, dumb, gay, etc.
Ugh, this is so vaginal, I have to work a 9 hour shift today!

Those pants are straight up vaginal. Throw them out, now!
by vedved82491 June 10, 2009
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