at midnight of any given day, you will walk in to a store and remove twelve items of your choice. it must be at midnight, and you must remove at least twelve items. no less than twelve is allowed, but more than twelve is OK.
I went in there on a "dude watch," and after pulling a "red can run" I brown bagged a twelve twelve. I got a battery, some trash bags, sodas, and various other items that I needed. It was a pretty successful operation.
by JohnnyPots June 22, 2007
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Code word when a douche bag guy is dancing with a hot chick and you must seperate them for the good of the human species.
Look at that guy....Lets Fifty-Twelve him.
by K-Noodle October 29, 2006
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12 gage shotgun, loaded wit birdshot , buckshot , or sluggs , equal to a .729 caliber
I gots dat Twelve Gage shotty ready 2 put holes right thru your body
by kaoz13 April 17, 2011
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London Based Slang For Saying Twelve Thousand Pounds
John- Dave How Much Did That New Motor Cost you.

Dave- Twelve Biggins Mate.
by Peckham Spring May 4, 2022
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A large, large number. Twenty-three zeroes ( 11 + 12 ). Unable to be obtained.
Dude, they're beating us by like eleventy-twelve.
by ToniBurrito June 11, 2007
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A person who has graduated from the 12 Step AA program, but who still exhibits all the other characteristics of an Alcoholic (but worse). These "Alpa-Male" wannabes generally show signs of massive ego, the mastery of all the World's knowledge, and the need for self-promotion. They generally come across as very gracious, but only help others that they think can return the favor many times over. They should be avoided at all costs.
As time went on, we began to realize that Todd was actually a Twelve-Stepfather to the group.
by Viking Guy May 2, 2007
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6 to 12 is a polite way of referring to an erection. Think of the big hand on a clock, and you'll get the picture.
Man when Jenny gave me a hug the other day Steve, I was afraid I was gonna stab her with my six to twelve.

Yesterday was crazy man, i mean when Jane said "let's go to the movies friday night", I totally went from six to twelve.

by NuclearMonkey51 August 28, 2008
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