V. To be hit or jabbed in the balls
N. The balls
U twanged my balls!
I hav an itch on my twang
by Ian April 8, 2003
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To intentionally sabotage a target's romantic relationships for sport
"I twanged that guy. He's done seeing that chick"
by Uppermiddleclass slang January 10, 2007
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refers to the male genitalia or penis. used by men to describe their own genitalia usually in reference to how big it is or how useful it is or just to sound manly!
'i stuck my twang in her'
'my twang is so big'
'careful of my twang!'
by shpannah September 7, 2006
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To get around someone like a little girl gets her own way :)
eg : if u twang dad he'll get u that bike
by Darknox June 5, 2003
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to throw something with the expressed intention of hitting someone from a close range. derived from a popular game where grenades are held for several seconds and then, when they are about to go off, 'twanged' into an enemy soldier, who promptly vapourises. Can be used to maximum effect by booting a door open and 'twanging' a charged grenade into the back of an enemy's head. A bloody good laugh.
Twang, twang, twang a grenade! into Jan Sprunken's head!
by sholto bonham thomas & Kore February 28, 2004
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twang is when someone puts there 🍆 in someone's 👌
person 1 : hey

person 2: hey daddy twang me
by bob rooss June 17, 2018
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The action of hitting one's erect penis against the inside of a toilet seat when sitting down.
"Using the toilet with morning wood is a challenge... standing up is messy, sitting down results in rim twang!"
by chickitypoo January 18, 2010
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