*A Gaming Reference* when you get absolutely owned or merked or destroyed
"DAMNNNN!!! Get Tubbed faggot!"
"We are getting absolutely tubbed!!!"
by Yo Nigga Down the Street May 13, 2017
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One who is overweight, ugly, and requires a team of 16 CGI animators and professional photo editors three weeks of editing before a single final-production picture is deemed myspace worthy. Unfortunately, this picture looks nothing like the person in real life and gives the FTT a false sense of attractiveness.
"Look at that Fatty Tub Tub!"
by Malkirz November 24, 2006
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Damn, check out the junk in the trunk.

I could rest a tea tray on that TUBS.
by No, I'm the Original Sabs February 7, 2008
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A beard which has been shaved only on the chin and under the chin.
Rather than shaving his whole beard, he went with a tub.
by saturday night party October 14, 2007
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To be sent a pic of tubgirl.jpg from www.tubgirl.com with an understanding the pic is something else eg: picture of a person who is the tubber on irc
someone on irc poses as someone else with the intent of tubbing someone by sending them a picture of tubgirl renamed as them selves to an unknowing victim
by TUBMEISTER July 10, 2003
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A method of female masturbation in which sexual pleasure and/or an orgasm is achieved by a woman who repetitively glides her clitoris over the (often lubricated with warm water) top surface of a modern-style bathtub's apron (outside portion of bathtub that can be mounted jockey-style)
The telephone's constant ringing interrupted the intimacy of the tubbing session the woman was enjoying on the edge of her bathtub.
by Hawaii Girl 808 March 11, 2016
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1.A fat person
2.What Homsar calls Bubs
1."Hey tubs,your tubby!"
2."Hey Tubs! I just lost my Jengajam! WOAAAAAAAAHHHHHOOO!"
by TheWiggidy April 14, 2004
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