Inadvertant output of solid matter when attempting gasseous release.
I tried to eek one out on the crowded train but ended up with tooty pebbles in my britches.
by dknysquid February 19, 2009
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Said when one has absolutely nothing to say and has to say something as when you are daydreaming at an office meeting and suddenly realise that all eyes are upon you and that someone has asked you a question while you were in la la land.
Angry policeman: "The whole building is on fire, the third floor has exploded, there is absolute chaos everywhere, and I find you standing here with that detonator in your hands. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!!??"

Guilty guy: "Nooty tooties"
by Mr. Happy March 23, 2005
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You have to give some of your food to your cat, a form of tax.
You can’t just eat like that, you have to pay the tootie tax.

Did you give Max his tootie tax or did you eat all your food?

Look at Thor, she’s waiting for her tootie tax while you’re stuffing your face with this cheeseburger.

Loki didn’t even bother waiting for his tootie tax, he just grabbed a piece of chicken from my plate.
by Tootielover April 11, 2023
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Some guy that that thinks hes the shit, but looks and acts like a total fag.
Person1: Look! Its Johnny! the one with all the money, wow hes the shit!

Person2: Dont matter, that fag's a damn Tooti-nang.
by realstrongman2134 March 20, 2011
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