The shittiest dorm on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus; often likened to a ghetto.
Although Craige is known as the worst dorm on campus, its residents are fiercely proud to call it home.
by TarHeelPride December 17, 2010
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The most generic person on the fucking planet. They have no redeemable qualities and probably find all these 'name' dictionary definitions to be "enlightening".

They are so boring that even their name is generic -- just like Dave, Joe, Greg, Theodore.
"Craig is boring as fuck."
by Mickey_G_ April 24, 2019
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a boy with a smile that's unforgettable. Usually can be found playing hockey or talking about cars. His thoughtfulness and unselfishness makes him the best kind of boyfriend. Someone worth spending your life with.
girl 1: wow that guy is such a great boyfriend!
girl 2: duh, he's a Craig
by TheEZ February 17, 2010
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Hey man, did you hear about that one girl who was craiging it? I feel bad for whoever kisses her.
by Angel Sloan October 16, 2014
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(noun, adjective) Common expression for individuals who love to wear blue crisp shirts, silver glasses, dress pants, and hot shoes, plus are kind-hearted, successful, gym-goer, and great kisser.
L: Ever since he got promoted, don has become a craig!

A: Can't believe how craig you are now!

T: Don't ever dream to get such craig with that grandma dress on you.
by Lashy-Lashy February 15, 2009
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Craig is his own species, so uncultured that it's not even funny anymore.
Craig: *says something stupid* *being ignorant*

Me: Stop being such a Craig, UGhhh
by Cora Austin February 20, 2019
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dude: hey i'm about to sell something
other dude: try selling it on that list craig made
by csuki March 26, 2020
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