Saturn's largest moon.
You: Did you see the titan-landing?
Friend: Indeed! Wish I was on that spacecraft =/
You: I dont think so, long trip :P + it is too small for a human and it froze after 2 hours on the ground. Sorry m8..
Friend: Never mind...
You: :P
by w00dy January 16, 2005
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To pull a Bruce Ismay and get into a lifeboat despite the fact you are not a woman or a child. If a friend abandons you for no good reason and leaves you behind, he/she has "titaniced" you.
Claudia and Sofie agree to catch the bus together. Claudia is 4 minutes late, so Sofie gets on the bus anyway, thus titanicing Claudia.

Claudia: Damnit! Sofie has titaniced me again!
by Amtwat July 6, 2012
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to engage in sexual activities inside a car long enough to steam/fog up the windows from the inside
Last night, my girlfriend and I were totally titanicing in my car, I couldn't see anything out the windows!
by jinny_212490 December 9, 2013
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Massive death of people, a catastrophic event involving a great amount of death.
by heyyo1 March 26, 2010
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a cute boy who loves sex talk but is honest to his words loves romance and will do anything to keep you by his side doesn't care what the world thinks so if you have a friend whose name is titan he's a keeper don't ever let him go
girl: look at titan he's so cute

other girl: his girlfriend is so lucky
by fluffychu January 27, 2021
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When you pee standing up, and someone hugs you from behind, and holds your dick for you, so you can stretch out your arms and pretend you are flying, like in the Titanic movie
You'll never know what true freedom feels like until you've tried titanicing
by Trainy Mc trainface March 14, 2021
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