A cocktail or drink. Derivitive of cocktails.
Who wants to go out for a few tilts?

Can be used as a verb, ie. go out and get a little tilts.

Or used as a verb to describe anything i.e., "I'm going to tilts on you."
by Matthew Adams April 19, 2004
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This is a term in poker used when a player starts playing worse after losing close/multiple hands. It's also said that a player is "on tilt".

This term comes from pinball machines. If you lifted or banged the machine too hard the "Tilt!" sign would light up, your controls would lock up, and you'd lose the ball in play.
Bill got his aces cracked again and he's tilting.
by Yobar-23 August 6, 2021
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The meaning describes your creativity, originality, and expressiveness. It's to be imaginative and to have a different out look on the world than everybody else. Always staying humble and remembering where you came from.
That artist is tilted; Stay tilted and never let anybody stop your progression; Its important to stay tilted in life in order to stand out from the rest; Always stay tilted and never forget where you came from; I love a girl that's tilted; Stay tilted; Tilt your life
by aceprimo December 7, 2011
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Adj. - the point between tipsy and absolute drunkenness or shit-faced; one can also be tilted by a punch, car, or any other act of violence... How drunk you are goes toward the degree of being tilted... 45degree, 90degree, 180degree, etc.
"I must be tilted about 120degrees because I could barely stand
by O.D. Sanchez December 25, 2009
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Tilted is when a person gets really drunk, and is not able to stand balanced, therefore feeling as if the world is tilting.
I'm so tilted right now, I wish I could sober up.
by TitledMan September 28, 2017
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