1.someone who isnt smart
2.someone who has an obssesion with Chuppa Chups (lollipops)
3.a random word used by me I made up.
1.Jane: Ashley is such a Juppa Chup
Lindsey: I no right

2.Tina: Im such a Juppa Chup I eat 3 lollipops a day

3.Me: I thought of a new word. Juppa Chup
freind: Lets go put it on the internet.
Both: HI-5
by Lauren_babes_xxx December 18, 2011
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a homosexual male: derives from the Spanish word "chupa" which means "to suck".
Man, that dude sure is a chupa chups. Or Hey, man, shut your mouth and get to chupin you chupa chups.
by Elviachich August 25, 2008
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a popular loli-pop brand. this name is derived from the so called chubby chops (cheeks) that you get when you suck on one of the lollies.
Lets go get some chupa chups and pretend they're ciggies.
by Master Dan McCabe January 3, 2004
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The saviour of many marriages.
That chuppa-chup just stopped my husband from cheating.
by nightwoman June 24, 2007
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"Hello welcome to our fush n chups shop, would you like the fush or the chup"

"no i just want some water"
"Thats Bullshut you need the fush"
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