Kim Kardashians brown eye has reached a record width of 4 inches. Congratulations?
by onlymadethisforonedefinition January 24, 2017
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when a person poops in to someones eye and they go blind
by harry ballsonya April 8, 2005
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Someone that is so full of shit, that you can see it in there eyes. Thus they have brown eyes. Originated in the American South-West.
Frank: Dude, the Holocaust was fake!
Kevin: Sure it was brown eyes.
by Stephen Danyiles October 31, 2007
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when u fart on someones pillow and its gives them pink eye
dude i gave my sister a brown eye... she had pink eye for 3 weeks lol
by robert1120 December 9, 2008
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The act of sending a picture message, email, or just mailing a polaroid of a large feces expulsion from your body to an unsuspecting friend or enemy. Usually these stool piles are unique in size, shape , or color. Not just your run of the mill dump.
"Look at the size of this turd! It's wider than a can of shaving cream and longer than a cue stick! Where's my camera phone? I'm Brown Eye-ing Tom!"
by Big Business October 18, 2007
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1. Term often used for breasts or boobs
2. Those two brown things on either side of a nose
3. plural form of Brown Eye, anus
1. "I like a girl with a big booty and some big brown eyes"
2. "Hey Dave, I never knew you had brown eyes!"
3. "Jackie's brown eye is bangin' yo"
by The Oblivious February 5, 2004
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