tab tab- noun, verb, tabbed, tab-bing

1. text - a - bitch. The act of sending a text message to a girl with the intention of pursuing a sexual relationship.
" I was supposed to see Jane tonight, but I tabbed her to let her know I couldn't make it. "

"I just got a raging tab."
by Ike Zinnerman April 19, 2008
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A woman who has nothing to offer.
A tab is short for tired ass bitch.
This tab called me again to borrow money when she hasn't even paid back the money she owed me from before.
by Ms.Riff4U July 10, 2015
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You want tae go fur a tab?
by gmc123 August 29, 2006
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Oxford university slang.
A student at the university of cambridge, uk.
"The varsity croquet match resulted in an embarassing loss for the tabs"
by Danthemanwiththebighandspan October 3, 2005
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1) Ear
2) Fag (in the British sense)
Ear- "Stop tab-hanging", meaning "Stop eavesdropping")
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