1. A person who has a psychological need to get into TV, Film, Radio or Print.
2. A person who becomes aroused almost sexually by seeing or hearing themselves or about themselves in the media.
Most people who audition for reality TV series or write excessive numbers of letters to the editor are nothing more than media whores.
by Belinda April 17, 2004
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A subset of the Troll species, similar to the Internet Troll but different in their approach.

A Media Troll is an Internet Blogger or Reporter that covers and intentionally misreports the statements and/or opinions of a famous celebrity or politician in order to cause stigmatization and create controversy.

A sometimes unintended result of the Media Troll's work is the Social Pariah.
Talk Show Host: So how do you defend your position saying that gay people are freaks?

Celebrity: First off, I said I supported Gay rights and I said that I think that straight people are afraid that if gay marriage is legalized that they'll try to be converted. Like in the "One of Us" scene from the 1932 film "FREAKS."

Talk Show Host: That's not what Perez Hilton said.

Celebrity: That's because he's a Media Troll!
by Baron6489 November 12, 2010
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Contrived, inauthentic or misleading use of social media resources such as online communities, blogs, Twitter profiles, Wikipedia entries, Facebook pages, etc. to manipulate or to create a false or misleading perception of a company, organization, candidate or cause.

Fauxcial Media is the "Web 2.0" equivalent of atroturfing i.e., the creation of fake grassroots campaigns in PR/Public Relations.

• Businesses pretending to be bloggers.
• Businesses pretending to be journalists.
• Businesses pretending to be “Joe Blow” in order to flog their products in blog comments.

(Bullet points courtesy of marketingexperimentsblog.com)


- Cisco's Human Network - wrote all Cisco-related Wikipedia entries; had vloggers try to write about the Human Network. Got themselves to #2 in Google organic search

- Whole Foods CEO John Mackey used an alias to ding detractors on forums

- "Wal-Marting Across America" used a real journalist and real photographer, but set them up as simply Wal-Mart fans, traveling across America, parking their RV at Wal-Mart parking lots.

(Examples courtesy of Scott Monty - http://www.scottmonty.com/2008/03/suxorz-worst-social-media-of-2007.html)
by Michael J. Russell January 13, 2009
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Theres not really anything social about social media, if anything, social media encourages people to be distant from each other and in their own little world/bubble. There are people nowadays who won't do anything in life if theres not a picture or video to post and comment about. They live to be seen on social media, YouTube, or reality TV, where everything is staged. What happened to enjoying what you were doing so much at the time that you didnt think to film it, you already missed your opportunity to film it and it didnt matter, you got to be human for a few minutes, you were as close to who you really were as you get, no image. That must have ended in the 90s with VCR's for some people.
Social media provides the illusion of being part of a large network, meanwhile some people are getting rich via this platform. There was a time before social media where people actually knew each other in real life and had actual life experience with the other person, rather than the virtual image of someone on a computer screen.
by Solid Mantis September 9, 2020
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Oz Media, also known as Ozzy Wozzy, is an American reddit youtuber from Idaho, belived to be in the Boise area. He is also a member of the permanent collab channel Sad Milk. Oz's personalty is very wholesome, but also aggresive. One of the biggest inside jokes regarding Oz is that he abuses his desk, which comes from the many clips where he can be heard aggresively slamming his desk. Oz is also considered to be (atleast out of the four current Milkmen) the most wholesome, with his most wholesome moments being in his 50k subs QnA video. He Also has a TTS mi̶n̶i̶o̶n̶ Little Brother named Mini Oz, whos main running gag is being a consipracy theriost.
Me: Hey, do you watch Oz Media?
Person: Yeah, I love Oz! He's amazing!
by ISimpForAPHNorwayAndOzMedia December 2, 2020
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paying a media comglomerate to selectively report information in order to turn the customer into a bigot.
i paid $50 a month just to watch propaganda produced by Big Business!!!
by ggunit August 6, 2004
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A network of sensationalist pseudo-news channels catering to the bottom of the Indian right-wing barrel, indirectly used by the ruling cadres in the Hindu Nationalist BJP to distract the electorate away from core issues and away from things being done behind closed curtains

'Godi' in Hindi, corresponds to one's Lap and is in this case used in reference to many media outlets being the lap dogs of the Hindu Nationalist government. Most channels that constitute "Godi media" may be directly or indirectly linked, through even the most cursory research, to ring leaders inside of the BJP

It features some of the most disgusting-looking schlubs you have ever seen as anchors. It also features some of the most Asperger's-fueled segements that would even nauseate Memri TV operators
Satish: "Did you know we wuz Aryans?? Also i think its a good idea to take out all the muzzies"
Amit: "Woah there, take it easy schizo. Are you off your meds? Have you been watching Godi Media on loop? "
by benaffleckisanokayactor1 September 17, 2020
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