A nerd who has some badass moments.
And is heavily influenced by a grade eight.
Grade Eight : That guy called me an LG.
Fuck him !

Kenneth : Fuck you.
by Grade eight December 19, 2008
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A fuckin fag. major tool. likes a finger in the butt. total cuck.
What a fuckin Kenneth. hope he chokes on a choad.
by TerryPop March 3, 2018
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Really sexy guy, has great hair. Kenneth is a great man and normally hates popular people and attention. He's really sweet and funny. If you were to date him he'd put you before him self. Normally has green eyes and brown hair.
Person 1:Omg is that Kenneth !
Person 2: he's sooo hot.💕
by Made by Ali♥ February 10, 2018
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A mixed boy who gets pick on because he’s mixed and his parent can’t season chicken. He has a iPhone 8 , and he can’t fight. And he got a train ran on him
Kenneth is a cool person

Kenneth got a train ran on him
by unseasonchicken08 March 17, 2019
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He is really nice and is capable of many things. He likes to play Fortnite and Dragon Ball Legends. He gets good grades most of the times but not always. He has a ps4 and is always playing on it. He is also always on instagram. He would like to become everyone's friend but there are some people he doesn't like. There are some people that really get on his nerves and he tries to ignore them but they mess with him and he just ignores them. If you know a Kenneth then you are lucky because he could become your best friend.
Man Kenneth is the best dude ever
by Kenfresh08@gmail.com October 14, 2019
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An unmotivated homosexual prone to bouts of PMS & creepiness.
-"Wow that's a nice car your friend has, what does he do for work?"
"Nothing, he's a Kenneth."

-Guy-"hey you want to come to my party tonight?"
Chick-"will Kenneth be there?"
Chick-"I can't make it."
by WilliamTelll January 5, 2019
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