1. Term used for the word sweat

2. Replacement name for a teacher, in which one puts the word Chef in front of their first name (ie- Mr. Jones becomes Chef Andre)
1. Sarah was chefing in math class, as I could smell its stench when she raised her hand to answer a question

2. Only Chef Jason could possibly make learning English silly, as he asked children to laugh in an evil way and make speeches about how it was really Paris Hylton who killed Abe Lincoln.
by FlapDaddy November 11, 2006
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french word for "boss" or "chief".
Not to be mistaken with the american
word "chef", which seems to mean
Mr Dunham is my chef, i work for him.
by kegdude May 26, 2004
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A professional cook, typically the chief cook in a restaurant or hotel.
by Definitive Positive April 16, 2020
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A combination of the pronouns 'chief' and jeff'
by ___e___ February 3, 2019
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It just means chef. Couldn't be any clearer.
It just means chef, Mr. Todd.
by chefalmighty November 15, 2016
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a major pothead. stemming from them "baking" all the time.
Man, that kid is such a chef.
by obsessively obsessed May 23, 2007
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Dried Gravy On Ones Face. (Pronounced with a hard CH)
Hey You Seem Too have some chef on your Face
by Samuel Anaya December 25, 2005
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