A girl who always think about how others feel. She puts herself out there and helps others. She is physically and emotionally strong. She is quite smart. She is pretty and can attract many guys at once. All her friends love her. She is different and she stands out. She is not like any person in the world. She is very independent. and she loves being herself, and can be a little temperamental sometimes.
Wow, Carlie just said hi to me.
Damn she is hot as hell
by fhsdiufv November 29, 2018
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A girl you just want to dance with until you cum all over her back
Dude what happened to your pants?
My bad man. I just danced with Carly.
by Weenis Penerson October 20, 2010
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Carly means sweet. Sweet means Carly. Carly is sweet.
Having sex with Carly is so Carly.
by Edub Troms January 8, 2007
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Carly is the craziest yet sexiest thing in the world
That Carly is so crazy, i bet she would do it in a mexican's bed without sheets with a big haired brownie.
by Douschy May 17, 2008
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The manliest woman you may ever meet. Dark mustache, pointy boobed, and deadly breath. Can not take a joke. Thinks she can play sports, but is really growing a pouch from all the potato chips she puts down. Extremely deep voice, and a shade up from albino. Extremely hairy and thinks she has friends. Her best friend is a dog. Hasn't had a boyfriend since the K5. Described in one word- gross
Guy- 'remember that one girl I told you about, that I was talking to on online dating?'
Girl- 'yeah why?'
Guy- 'well I finally met her in person and she is a total carly'
Girl- 'wow I am so sorry'
by Meganbabayy(; June 18, 2011
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a very nice sweet caring forgiving person
shes hot and sexy and sweet at the same time. Insanely blue eyes,gorgeous brown hair shes hot :) Creative, good taste, intelligent, incredibly funny, fun and just awesome person. Brilliant friend. Looks even hotter than you'd think, you need to really look at her to see her beauty. Loves guys, and amazing kisser. You know you love her.
Guy 1: OMG! I just met this amazing girl, shes hot and nice and funny, i couldnt wish for anything else

Guy 2: Oh yeah, i know, that stunner over there? Yeah , thats Carly

Guy 1: I love her

Guy2 :Me too! She rocks :)
by namedescriber May 2, 2009
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1. A girl with blue eyes, dark hair and freckles and is insanely hot.

2.A girl who is sarcastic, intelligent, and really funny.

3. A girl who is super liberal, and super stubborn.
(Guy):"Did you see that girl's eyes?"
(Guy 2):"Yeah, she's such a Carly, her hair was dark too."

(Dude): "Okay, so you're really sarcastic, and stubborn...your name must be Carly!"
(Carly): "Wow, how'd you know that?"
by johhny1787 February 15, 2009
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