Someone who sticks a pine cone in their ass and masturbates.
Yo, that dude Josh? He's a real syrup tapper. That fool smells like the Pine Sol lady combined with Greek wine.
by Sr. Danger November 25, 2016
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A person who makes females wet
Ethan is such a sap tapper all the lady's act weird around him
by Pokemonfanya October 31, 2019
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having or being involved in homosexual acts or advances
Taylah: Archie you are a racquet tapper

Archie: yeah I love tapping racquets
by Fieldmouse69 March 13, 2022
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When you are beyond savage to a person of inferior intellect, usually in front of a crowd or television audience.

Synonyms: Savage, Ferocious, Vicious, Brutal
Antonyms: Tame, Civilized, Humane
Did you see Stephen Miller on CNN? Jake was Tapper AF! Miller must be so embarrassed!

Sally lied to my manager to get me in trouble. I'm going Tapper AF on Sally!
by Trancelot January 7, 2018
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(n) A person who can balance the delicate art of lovingly having intercourse with a pancake and then being hungry enough to eat it after climax.
We nicknamed Jimmy "Pancake Tapper" after we caught him having sex with this fluffy breakfast. He used syrup as lube.
by MattBr October 24, 2007
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A person who, by intention or by poor aim, inserts their penis into another person/animals' anus.
Guy: "Am I in yet?"
Gal: "We need to stop having sex with the lights off intestine tapper."
by jwb71 July 23, 2011
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