a short for family, meaning your nigga/friend
sup Fam.
by urbuddyjoe November 24, 2015
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Fam=Family or referring to a group of people.
by sucurmom October 18, 2021
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A word which used as a way of shortening the word family, often used to define one's closest friends. Since one's closest friends are typically seen as comparable to a family, this is a household term many know.
What many don't know is that the term was actually defined by Shakespeare in his original draft of Romeo and Juliet. "Juliet, I need you to flower my pump fam." (Shakespeare 69)
Fam, I think you lit the Christmas tree on fire.
by Red-Kun November 26, 2016
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Lazy way of saying family. That's why it is common in America where the lazy people roam.
by Hitler the Grammar NAZI April 3, 2016
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