Michael "soy" Soys is a gay kid. He is a poof. Soy is a dick sucking back stabber who can go suck a big fat one. John "Hunchy" Hantes is soy's lil bitch. Soy and Hunchy are 2 faggots who get erections from staring at Mr. Williams ass all day in English. They can go fuck each other. I hope a plane falls on soys head and breaks his penis off. ROTT IN HELL MICHAEL!!!!!!
Soy was caught jerking off Hunchy in Mr Williams english class
by michael's dad February 15, 2005
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Seb: enable tits please
Barlow: ok done
seoh: soi soi soi!
by corntastic April 30, 2008
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Abbreviation for Sit On It - usually used via text

Made famous by a piece of graffiti on a wall from the intro sequence of 50's sitcom, Happy Days.

Sit On it is equivalent to the brandishing of the middle finger to an enemy and requesting for them to lower themselves onto it. As we have even less time to convey this sentiment in the 21st Century, simply SOI suffices.
Brief text message conversation:

"Hey man, can you drive me to Queens?"

by Benncm July 2, 2011
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A phrase used by adding the term ROFL (rolling on floor laughing) and copter to create the term roflcopter. Soi soi soi is a sounds given to this "roflcopter" "machine"
by Wx3 November 28, 2009
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Short for "Snob of the Year". When someone ignores you, they are a soy.
solj: yo daz whats up?!
daz: i soy
solj: omg soy'd T_T
by solj April 18, 2004
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Abbreviation for Sit On It - usually used via text

Made famous by a piece of graffiti on a wall from the intro sequence of 50's sitcom, Happy Days.

Sit On it is equivalent to the brandishing of the middle finger to an enemy and requesting for them to lower themselves onto it. As we have even less time to convey this sentiment in the 21st Century, simply SOI suffices.
Brief text message conversation:

"Hey man, can you drive me to Queens?"

by Benncm July 2, 2011
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Some one is "so Soy Soy" when their hair becomes so unweildy that it causes emotional and often physical damage to those nearby.
Omg dont look! He is so Peter Soy Soy, my eyes burn!
by Bergmann October 19, 2007
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