"Ol' Bobby made a silk purse outta me sow's ear!"
by Murph February 19, 2004
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A form of bad caucasian dancing. Make two 'casting the seeds' motions from the hip, first to one side then the other, while basically walking in place.
'Oh man, I saw someone sowing the seeds at the disco last night.'
by Ray Babycakes July 18, 2006
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cracka it be sow right
by ESTESEE September 30, 2003
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seven legged porpoise-like cat that is commonly mistaken for cantalope.
Dont try to run through a randoms person front yard b/c if they should happen to catch you then they maight want you to stay for dinner and then try to force feed you cream corn from a srtainer meant to feed the sow in their back yard but dont tell their neighbor across the street b/c they think it's a cantalope and they call the irs on them.
by Timothy July 4, 2003
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a trio of fat, dirty looking women like the type you'd see at walmart, in sweats, shopping while eating a just-opened bag of cheetohs.
Bro! I came to this frat party expecting to see some hunnies and all I see is this triple sow cow at the snack table! What the fuck!
by Beniquimbo February 14, 2015
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