a wide variety of meanings;to have sexual intercourse,to get insulted,or be assaulted of physical contact,or a emotion.
1.i feel slump!(weak,tired,lazy,sick)
2.lets slump?(to have sexual intercourse)
3.he just got slumped.(hit,or assaulted)
4.that's slump.(gay,stupid,boring,corny)
5.look how slump he/she is?(fat,ugly)
by mr clamfield August 5, 2009
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my gun accidentally went off and dude was slumped.
by bruce October 17, 2001
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1) when you are having intercourse with an opposite sex, and you take your penis out and beat the shit out her face(males only)

2)when you randomly go up to someone and punch them in the nose or mouth causing them to say "what the fuck was that for"
i.e.1 Guy1: When I was fuckin that bitch last night, i slumped the shit outta her
Guy2: Werd

i.e2 Guy:I slumped your mom in and out of bed last night
by hjrt June 12, 2007
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A huge hit or blow usually to the side of the face or lower gut, by a fist or heavy object including; a trashcan, 2x4, or baseball bat. Most often occurs when something outrageous or annoying is said.
Joe: Guys, coming to this opera was the best idea ever! Musicals are fantastic!

Cam & Robbie: *SLUMP*
what a fucktard.
by slumpmaster2 February 16, 2009
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One Human Humping Another while Asleep...

Sleep + Humping.... often done when both partners have PJs on.
One Night after a Long day at Work Bob Briefly Slumped Jane.... the Slumping was not of a duration that Jane found Acceptable.

Jane was left unfullflled.
by DanielD June 15, 2010
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to not do work because it seems unnecessary
"Senior Slump" is when seniors in high school stop doing their homework after either they get into to college or after the end of the first semester because all their college applications are already sent off.
by hem1224 December 23, 2005
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A girl who has the appearance of exhaustion. originally used to describe what echo looks like when she's overtired and puts her hair in a bun and wears sweatpants and a hoody. The sight of a slump is usually followed by comments of 'eww' (which are completely ignorant and utterly misplaced when made towards brookee). WARNING: The resemblance of a slump can appear in anyone and is often caused by the state of being rushed.
Echo: "eeeeeeeewwwww I look like a slump today!!! my hair's in a bun and i'm wearing a hoody and sweats!"

Fool: "Ewww. look at that slump. she's gross."
SBB: "you're a fool. that is the only original ECHO and your comment should be disregarded."


Brooke, the only girl who can look like a slump and still cause millions to echo her
by LilBibby2342 March 1, 2007
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