Synonym for fucked but can be used in any context whatsoever.
Niko was so shreked up last night he puked in my dads hottub and passed out on my carpet floor listening to sos covered by the chippettes”
by flaming68bod April 12, 2021
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When a film generates a ridiculous amount of sequels. i.e. Shrek 2,3,4...
The Fast and Furious movies are so shreked, they might as well make a t.v. series.
by Rikki_Nice June 3, 2017
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Wrecked, but fifteen times more powerful, for this word is infused with the power of the godly being known as Shrek. This state of being wrecked is one of the very few things that are as powerful as the dreaded no u.
Person 1: GET SHREKED.
Person 2: NO U.
Earth: *Fractures into quintillions of pieces, explodes, becomes a black hole and explodes again repeatedly until all time, space and matter no longer applies to existence.*
by EndoFlame June 17, 2020
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When Shrek comes into your house and fills you with his molten onion.
Boy1:"Your stupid."
Boy2:"I hope you get Shreked."
Boy1:Gets raped by Shrek.
by Shreked fan99 February 15, 2018
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Being judged before Getting to known without a chance
I want to film with someone or meet new people but little did I know I was shreked
by Zeowolfrider200 January 7, 2023
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The act of dedicating into a friend toilet with liquid green waste, then leaving it for someone to stumble into the swamp.
Man Jeff left in such a rush, the bastard shreked in my bathroom!
by Crekks May 2, 2016
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When you insult someone in a provocative way and the insult has something to do with Shrek.
by MrCurry69 June 11, 2021
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