1) Winning, duh.
2) Winning, despite the fact that everyone thinks you're going to lose.
3) To think you're winning, when every one else knows you're not.
4) Under the influence of a drug called Charlie Sheen, which has traces of Tiger Blood and High Priest Vatican Assassin Warlock in it.
5) Anything Charlie Sheen says or does.
1: "Dude, I'm sheening right now."
2 and 3: Narcissistic people tend to be sheening in their opinion at all times.
4: "I was going to go home last night, but I was sheening so hard that I thought that my dog stuffed it in your mailbox."
5: "That Charlie Sheen, he sheens like a pro, I have never seen someone who takes sheening to a level that innvolves so many drugs and hookers until last night."
by theagerrity March 26, 2011
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Measurement: a briefcase full, normally used with drugs(esp. cocaine)
Friend 1: "Hey dude, wanna go do a Sheen of coke?"
Friend 2: "Are you crazy? That'll kill you... Only Charlie can handle a Sheen"
Charlie Sheen: "That's just how I roll..."
by Insect Overlord March 7, 2011
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To sheen (verb) - to perform an action that people would generally consider bad while wanting to convince everyone else, and often yourself, the action was a great thing.

The word comes from the standard practices of the celebrity Charlie Sheen. His ability to convince himself that the downward spiral of his life is living life well, and his attempt to make others believe that the downward movement of his life is really a good thing is the inspiration of the word.
Usage - “He has to know that calling his boss bad names is a stupid thing to do, but he acts like it was great. He was just sheening.”

“I failed my test so I’ll have to sheen the whole episode when I tell my parents.”

"His life is a mess, but he's sheened it well."

How does one actually go about “sheening”? There are very particular strategies. Here is one a person can employ:

Person A: “do you really think it was wise to smoke that 7 grams of crack?”

Person B: exemplifying the perfect sheening strategy in the following reply: “Duh, winning.”
by dNatch March 13, 2011
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to go utterly bat shit unexplainably, epicly, usually in front of a large audience

to do something over the top crazy as Charlie Sheen would do
Dude, I had to dump her, she started sheening just because I slept with her sister
by this_guy_ March 2, 2011
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Making your drug-induced psychosis as painfully public and humiliating as possible while thinking you are showing how cool and clever you are.
Man, George Bush was such a Sheen!

I was sheening for a bit in the 90's but now I'm cool
by Sheenburger March 10, 2011
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1: Typical nerd of Chinese or Asian descent, characterised by very poor, broken English spoken with an incomprehesible accent; higher than average IQ; pants that are too high etc...

2: idiot, nerd, tool, moron, one who possesses overall gross lameness

Origin: French word for China (Chine)
1:Fix your pants before you do my homework you sheen!

2:God Shane, stop being such a sheen!
by GHtool July 11, 2006
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