Shay is fat ugly not funny nerdy a hoe I hate u shay.
Shay is a lip hoe
by J I hdicnd October 16, 2019
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someone who is extremely easy, and also really good in bed; whore; prostitute; slut
Omg that Shay girl is such a fucking whore!
by Shayybaybay November 17, 2007
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SHAY : A racial slur meaning white, typically used in the N.E. US. Commonly used when referencing a white female.
Synonyms may include, but not limited to : Cracker, Honky, Whitey, and on special occasions "Uncle Tom"
1) "That stupid Shay thought he could play hoops better than I could."
2) "Wow bro did you see that fine Shay woman walking down the street?"
by XtremeJayhawk January 2, 2016
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a pretty deep and clean pussy.
OMG son i was fuxn dis shay rite omg it was so clean
by spiderpig2000 March 15, 2009
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A slut who has been with more guys in two months than most people will ever have in their lifetime. Also sucks the dick of black guys cause they're "easy"
Shay is a slut
by FoRtNiTeIsFoRnOoBs February 23, 2018
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A fat ass cow that moos and moos and eats all your grass. She’s obsessed with her little sister and has no friends. She will mow you down. She’s also so fat she has her own area code.
Look at shay she’s so fat.
by Moe384 April 28, 2020
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Dirty nasty girl who has a new boyfrirnd each day . She starts and causes drama , she will post slutty pictures and caption it i need a bad boy . She tries searching for guys who are not about sex yet sends pictures to strangers of her body . She is a stereotypical hoe searching for 'love' , she will meet a guy for the first time and five minutes later say shes in love . Always thinks she is better them everyone, go looking for her and she is at some guys house . She
by Yaasbishyaas March 28, 2015
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