The crap that builds up under your finger nails
Today I sat and cleaned the scrunt from under my nails
by jomomocomo May 27, 2013
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you cant scrunt us love ive got the painters in but you can whack us up the shitter if you like
by philipjamecook March 26, 2007
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the man glue that makes a 'wank sock' appear stiff
'why are your socks always so stiff???'...'why, because i use them to mop my scrunt up'
by jimbob brown April 6, 2006
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the paw padding movements made by an affectionate cat as it settles on ones lap
Go scrunt over there puss, you're annoying me.
by spandex July 15, 2003
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noun: the area between the scrotum and the gooch (cunt)
Dude, I just got kicked in the scrunt!
by codered253 February 17, 2013
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Large encrusted and often perforated labia, most commonly found on the larger lady. Known to be accompanied by severe discharge and open sores.
Mildred had the most rotton scrunt flaps I had ever encountered.
by Tit weirdo 78 January 11, 2020
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1. A tampon used by a female with a 'scrunt' (skanky crusty cunt).

2. A derogatory term used to insult one's peers.
"OMG! that crack whore left her scrunt plug in the women's toilets!"
"Look mate, stop being a partially used scrunt plug and pass me the tv remote"
by silkist April 12, 2010
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