To jerk off, to cum IN A SPEEDY MANNER
Time to scorch the cockles!

I picked up a ho to scorch my cockles.

I scorch my cockles faster than most.

He scorched the cockles while doing a handstand.

Thou scorcheth the cockleth with much haste, good sir.
by dankboo October 2, 2019
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When an intense rage overcomes a person to the point of losing ther mind and all self control, and go on a rampage of destruction of property or the person that wronged them.
I went Scorched Earth when the constant uncontrolled beeping from the device across the street that went on for days, compelled me to go insane, so I lost my head and went over there with a hammer and bashed it to bits.
by Slow-wit April 10, 2023
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When you've had soo much sex your member looks like a bbq'd weenie
"Man, I had soo much tail this weekend my dick looks like a scorched rail"
by Brent Hart March 31, 2007
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A way of insulting or "roasting" someone to the point they cry,or want to become physically violent towards you.
Insults are usually prefaced by yelling out "Scorch Mode!"
Scorch Mode! It's fry time for yo dirty,gremlin, meth head lookin ass!!
by Dub-X Tha General December 20, 2016
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Where you burn the top of your dick, so that when you cum it comes out chunky.
by BjayAndrews May 31, 2022
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When someone, in a last-ditch effort to get rid of a virus, deletes everything completely off a computer and reinstalls windows.

Origin: When trying to combat illnesses, the CDC or variant for that country will set things on fire to contain the spread of infection. They will burn dead bodies, towns, clothes, food, and even the ground with flamethrowers if there is a reason to believe the virus/bacterium could survive in dirt.
I tried AVG, Avast, Casperky... all of them. I ended up scorching the earth.
by wakkadoodooo June 28, 2012
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