An exam that everyone in their Junior year of high school in the United States has to take in order to enter college. It's purpose is to keep the black kids out.
SAT results:
Percentage of blacks in High School: 45.8%
Percentage of blacks in College: 0.0%
by SubtleRacist February 8, 2009
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And acronym for -Stinky Ass Turd-
John was being a total SAT at the party last night...
by NatSwa October 19, 2010
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A test made from all material you probably have forgotten or haven't learned yet. Don't worry you'll never need any of it for life 😉
Jimmy got a 2000 on the SAT. He probably doesn't know how to scramble an egg.

Carl got a 1100, he can probably survive in the wilderness though.
by Mr.Truthbetold May 4, 2019
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When you're so drunk or high off god knows what narcotics you've been taking that you have to sit down and try not to fall asleep in the middle of a party.
Person 1: Hey you, want to get up and boogie?
Person 2: Nah it's gucci, I'm sat right now, drunk too much lean
by MC_cHaZzA April 23, 2017
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: bro how to get hoez?!
: just got sum swag sat ;)
by breaky9ine January 19, 2023
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An abbreviation for Saturday, shown in some calendars and used when texting
Yo man you coming to the party this Sat”

Bet dawg, you know I’ll be there”
by dahomie213 February 6, 2020
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A feeling of sadness brought on by sat, whether partially or entirely.
Loneliness, pointlessness, and satness are why I’m considering dying.”
by Sure why not lol January 29, 2020
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