the act of forcefully thrusting another person or (foreign) object.
Man i just romped the shit out of that door knob.
Abby just romped the shit out of David, and he liked it.
Sarah just romped her dog...hard, and he squealed like a little pig...oink oink biotch.
by Abby Biotch February 11, 2008
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The act of throwing water balloons at passing cars,people, etc.
Dude, I just got caught romping with my friends yesterday. It was sketchy.
by Barry Mosh November 6, 2010
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To be humped
John was romped by a stump
by ROmper August 16, 2003
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high school students who drive in their cars at 11 pm at night and throw water baloons at random people and cars and do this for hours until someone calls the cops
Hey Steve, wanna go romping saturday night?

sure. ill go buy the balloons and we can fill them up and fuck people up. fuck the police
by Gertjaars420 May 22, 2010
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the prefix to sleasy web sites. instead of .com,, site registered in the cook islands).
last year i bought my Reading ticket off
-www.sleasytickets.romp- and got absolutly scam-mastered.
by ollie! February 16, 2009
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a verb signifying "lets go to" or "lets go" or "come."

it also means to have sex.
Romp dinner?

I romped her so hard last night!!

by kbnasty November 11, 2010
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