My pet bird thats a bit evil but we love him
Why is robin biting me put him back in his cage
by Jizzinurdad January 17, 2020
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A name. It can be both male or female.

It's also the nickname for Batman's sidekick.
My sister's name is Robin. My male friend's name is Robin
by Stevex_Koscuizckoj January 28, 2012
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Robin is an environmentalist.
Robin: I love the birds, I love the bees, I love the oceans, and the trees. I am an environmentalist and a damn good one.
by Clitty June 11, 2005
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Hilarious beautiful mom who always makes Bree laugh. She is the best aunt in the world. And the dove nature goddess. You gotta love the bootiful Robin😎😎
Matt:Robin is the most awesome wife ever.
Guy:Dude she's already taken by me😎😎
by THiS cOoKiE June 26, 2021
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Robin where the eff are my batterangs!?!?!
by Aleks Saric July 11, 2008
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