when a chick is giving you head, you quietly slip on your quaker boot. then you ejaculate on her face and kick her in the head with your boot while standing and yelling out 'QUAKER BOOT!'
me: 'oh baby, that feels so good! I'm about cum!' 'QUAKER BOOT!'

female: 'WHAT THE FUCK?!"
by horatiokilgore August 17, 2012
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When someone puts your balls in their mouth and violently blows
Hey bro, I just got the best tater Quaker of my life in the bathroom
by Officialnwrd September 15, 2020
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While taking part in a fun nude rumpus in bed, you unknowingly get your lady into a scissor position and proceed to loudly and aggressively fart into her vagina…all the while keeping consistent eye contact. Finish with an i do. (reception party after if you are so inclined)
Woke up this morning next to the ol lady and gave her the old Quaker’s Marriage. Had her screaming Daddy’s name at the top of her lungs.
by Cigarcop October 19, 2022
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A term used to describe an unsavory woman. Usually one with large amounts of cellulite, ie; cottage cheese thighs, giving ones body the appearance of being stuffed with oatmeal.
Daunte:"Damn man, look at that chick's legs, she's got some oatmeal thighs!"
Franklin:" Hah eww, fuck that man. She's got more than than that, she has the whole Quaker Package!"
by ihaventtheslightestclue September 3, 2009
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Adjective. a word used to describe someone who fits the stereotypical conservative look, like a typical quaker.
Dude 1: Dude, did you see that Amish Lady with the hair net?

Dude 2: Sheeah dude, 'course. She was super Quaker Oats, 100% For SURE!
by savetheicebears July 2, 2010
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A person in contemporary urban society who in every other way blends in, but has a face you would expect to see churning butter or plowing fields in fudel english times. These individuals appear to have a lineage which completly bypassed the melting pot which makes up everyone elses faces.

note:although not all quaker faces are gingers, all gingers are quaker faces
Damn that girls outfit looks fresh off the runway...to bad its totally wasted on her quaker face.

With a quaker face like that,i sure hope she likes anal.
by maggiebubbles August 13, 2010
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A Quaker who simpily is fly and the best and no1 is as cool as. He/she basically the best and no1 can top them. they dont use violence and are just all out cool
"yo that Quaker pimp is of the chain"

(written by a white boy lol)
by Quaka PIMP October 25, 2007
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