wirey corse hair with the same texture as a scorra
heee look at that bird shes got a mostache hanging out her knickers she could put a quiff in that
by marie August 4, 2003
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Sophomoric hanger-on who crowds around cool people like pubic hair around the genitals.
Quit acting like a pube and get a life.
by Col. Dr. April 24, 2006
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Horrible, horrible hair that falls out every six months according to a biological clock.
Fuck, dude, you have pubes in your teeth! You are truly a disgusting individual!
by Tommy Wommy Womsters May 22, 2003
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adj. 1. the act of exposing one's pubic hair, most commonly on ChatRoulette/Omegle.com and thrusting the hips to arouse/nauseate the victim of exposed "pubes"
Hey, i just found a hot chick on Omegle and was pubing her for 10 minutes!!
by stereotypicalchuck January 7, 2011
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the short term for the name of a character from Shakespeare's Caesar. The original name of the character is 'Publius' (poob-LI-us), and it is fun to call someone a 'pube' (poob, not pube like pubic).

It can be used such as:
a. pube
b. pubalicious
Jim: Hey John look at Rick, that douche.
John: I know, he's such a pube.
by GAWPQ888 September 22, 2009
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Nickname of Richard (Dick) Hayre, an economics teacher at my old high school. Honest.
Pupil: Oi, puuuuuuuuube
Pube: Which boy said that?
by RockMink November 10, 2004
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