A person who dates a guy for a while and then breaks up with the person for another guy, and breaks up with him to get back with his/her original mate. It’s like a cycle
John: My Ex-girlfriend is such a PLAYER she broke up with me for another guy, and now she wants to come back to me.
by C001u54Y February 11, 2019
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A player is a closeted homosexual man, or woman, who lacks the self awareness to realize he, or she, is gay. As a result, the player searches constantly for external validaiton of his, or her, heterosexualness by having multiple shallow sexual relationships with as many people as they can trick.

This is the why their victims so often feel they have no heart or soul, because the player actually secretly desires a same sex companion.

Once the player finds his, or her, same sex mate, they become happy and stop playing.
If your same sex friend is a player they want you, not the people they are using to impress you.
by Billy Yeats July 19, 2018
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Jaiden. Any one with is name or a form of this name is a player.
by Don’t@me March 20, 2020
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A person - of either gender - who intentionally misleads to get sex or other favors.
She plays him for jewelry. She is such a player.
by Playinlady2018 December 9, 2018
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A man who has figured out what women want to hear, in order to get what he wants.

Men and women have different wants and needs. Neither of them is wrong or bad, just different.

Women have established the rules to the game, which are very misandric and smart men have figured out how to "play" the game in order to get what they want/need.

Men wouldn't lie if they were able to say what they really mean and still get what they want at the end of the day.

Hating a man who does what he needs to do to get what he needs is like blaming the victim. He is a victim of rules women have put in place. Hating him for this is also misandry, since men would prefer not to lie, but have not been given a choice in the matter.
He is a player, since he has figured out the rules women have put in place, and has learned through trial and error what works and what doesn't.
by Concerned Citizen 100 November 6, 2008
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JB M and Corey B. are the definition of player. They get all the ladies
Hey Corey how do you spell player?

J B, how do you spell it JB?

C o r e y!
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a. fire
b. a marajuana joint
c. a rain storm ( also see Loon:Song )
a. "RED'S Wrecker Service , went up in flames and you could smell the player 3 miles away"

b. "Man, Shit. Would you quit bogarting that player and pass the shit my way."

c. "My man skillet head said , theres a player coming our way"
by the tit January 27, 2007
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