When you're having intercourse in the vaginal region with a female and you "pull out" and quickly shove it in her anal cavity and continue with rough butt sex.
Good 'ol was fuckin' dem bitches down by da water and gave his bitch a Pearl Harbor
by Brad November 22, 2004
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The act of completely plastering the bowl of a toilet after eating too much Oriental food.
Bill: Man, Chu really Pearl Harbored my toilet. Took forever to get the stank out of the bathroom.
James: Yea, those Japs really piss me off.
by fuckinghajis20 February 17, 2010
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When a girl is getting banged from behind and one of the dudes buddies runs in the room and busts in her face outta no where.
Slut 1: Last night at that party I met this super hot guy Caleb, but when he was nailing me his buddy Dan ran in and blew his load right in my face!

Slut 2: I remember my first pearl harbor.
by El Beardo October 25, 2010
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1; Where America lost her "Virginity"
2; Also could mean, Death while you sleep.
3; The lose of 2,403 American Warriors Lives, while Honoring their "Country & Flag"
4; Where 2 Honorable men where made "Scapegoats" for others blame.
5; Alawys learn from others mistakes.
Garden of Edan & Hororable Memories
by Bernie Russo December 8, 2003
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a mixed-drink consising of a jaegerbomb plus hawaiian punch: 1 part jaegermeister, 1 part red bull, 1 part hawaiian punch.

dude, i hate jaegerbombs. hook me up with a pearl harbor, instead.
by swankbomb May 2, 2006
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A woman's vagina (usually) after losing her virginity, because it's full of bloody semen...
It hurt soooooo bad when John and I finally made love last night... I ran to piss afterwards and the toilet looked like Pearl Harbor!
by The fool 383 April 8, 2008
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