a large gathering of douche bags, all following some pathetic trend. (popped collars for one)
Dude, that club last night, was such a douche parade...
by --Jonathan H. October 31, 2007
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When a female soldier is standing at ease in front of a male NCO or non commissioned officer and she pops her hip out and angles her leg toward the male. The act is usually performed by a female trainee to get attention of a male drill sergeant.
-female drill sgt- Pvt. Smith, we stand at parade rest, not parade pretty. Drill SGT Davis does not want your ass!
-female trainee- YES DRILL SGT!
by missAmandaintheATL December 20, 2008
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The black parade is rumored to be the title of the latest album by My Chemical Romance, which is due out on Oct. 23 in the UK and Oct. 24 in the US. It is alternately rumored to be the first single off the as-yet-unnamed album. The website blackparade.com has a ghostly image of the members of My Chemical Romance in the background and offers t-shirts that read "we are the black parade."
Fans of My Chemical Romance are going crazy trying to figure out what the black parade is.
by theHarbinger August 21, 2006
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The well known album of My Chemical Romance. According to Gerard lead singer of the band and frontman. the black parade comes to the The Patient as death. but in reality its a band of diabolical penguins bent on conquering the world. The penguins are slowly drawing a plan against the band for stealing there gang name.
Penguin Leader: You will suffer the consequences you name stealer you.
Gerard: I beg to differ you insignificant penguin lady
Mikey: word
Gerard: did you just say word?
Penguin Leader: enough. you shall wither and die
Ray: Oh my gosh look a penguin. come here penguin i love you ::chases penguin::
Penguin Leader: HELP ME!
by Panic! its a penguin November 26, 2006
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A large group of males with no women present, walking around with nothing to do.
Jesus, look at Quinn and his friends. What a cock parade.
by Gregory June 16, 2004
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When 3 or more guys walk in a single file line while holding the cock of the person behind them.
Hey Steve, we're gonna have an elephant parade in the living room in a few minutes if you want to come.
by TheSkipper January 1, 2008
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a party of only girls (or at least 80% girls), where there is a substantial abundance of pussy.
The sorority was throwing a huge party inviting everybody. When Tony arrived, he soon found out that it was a total cat parade.
by enstromed January 2, 2010
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