Tony Song; a male who is controlled by ALL FEMALES, especially anneliese and seductive lesbian korean booty aka ashley and ellice?
by head band March 5, 2007
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a band-aid used when someone has a fatal or minor injury. does not help with mental illnesses.
Zoe- "ow, my wenis (skin on elbow) hurts"
Cassie- "nuthin a pansy can't fix!"
by thatisonefiestyllama January 23, 2005
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Irrational as a woman, defenseless as a baby, unprepared as a sleeping lion.
Danny-Boy has 0 guns except the one in his panties, he's un-manly as a pansy. Can't be sorry for being a pansy when you're dead.
by Rabid Savage July 12, 2018
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someone who's too scared to take a risk in sudoku
man i'm such a sudoku pansy, i don't wanna put a 6 thre cause it could also be a 3
by pat . January 16, 2009
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Someone who is ridiculously scared of something, particularly a guy who acts like a little girl when frightened; also know as being a hardcore pansy.
John-"Dude stop being so pansy-core
it’s just a little snake."

Frank-"But it has TEETH!"
by chrislp69 April 1, 2009
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Putting an ecstasy pill on one's penis, then sodomizing another person.

First performed by Panzar Szlamphen, a DJ known as the Finnish Phenom. When it was discovored that inserting an ecstacy pill in one's anus yielded heightened effects, Panzer experimented with various methods of insertion. Pansy Slamming was his favorite.
Pansy Slam me Brutus! Pansy Slam me!
by Panzar July 21, 2010
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