noun. short for 'phoney baloney'

verb. short 'pull in boots'. to hook up with someone while wearing utilitarian boots, like snow or hiking boots.
Noun usage. Your story is PB.

Verb usage. She PB'd last night with that dude.
by draftversion January 20, 2011
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-Abbreviation for the words "penis bitch"
-Someone who is a penis bitch
-used to insult someone as a joke, that's annoying, that you hate, that just reminds you of the word "PB", or someone that just pisses you off just by looking at them.

Hey get out of here you pb, knowone wants you here
by Nick J-rand August 22, 2008
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party buddy; someone you keep with you at a party in order to help you ward off skeevy guys
The key to a successful feshman year of college is finding a good PB.
by SpeakEasy August 9, 2004
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A public television station bashed by people when they realize the children's programs on there are more intelligent than they are. Also bashed by dumbasses who complain about pledge breaks who don't realize that the other 75% of the time they don't have to sit through commercials. The same people complain about commercials.

Has been the subject of political conflict whenever special advertising interests lobby elected officials into trying to hand the radio/television wave space to commercial television.

Oh yeah, Barney is broadcast for a half hour on weekday afternoons so die public television die.
Dittohead: They need to shut pbs down because I don't like it and I'm too stupid to work the fucking remote control.
by The Thing That Should Not Be December 11, 2007
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1. A major noncommercial television network in the United States.
2. What you watch when nothing else is on.
"I watched this show about spiders on PBS last night."
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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Stands for poopy balls syndrome; when your poops are so explosive they splash up and get on your balls.
Yeah I gotta wipe my balls when I shit, I got PBS.
by LackingPotatoes February 16, 2021
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1. Public Broadcasting Service; a non-profit television network home of Sesame Street, Barney, Arthur, etc.

2. Acronym for "Pure Bull Shit"
1. Is Nova on PBS yet?

2. Justin Bieber is PBS!!!
by LeTomTornados November 8, 2011
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