a fat lying slut who claims to have sex with random guys and to have gotten knifed where nobody gets knifed.
Wow, she's so Nikki
Nikki, eww
by Love Peace Hope November 3, 2008
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Nikki is a hoe, she likes alot of sex.... be like nikki. Dont be boring
“I think im like nikki
“Babe what do you MeAn
Well i like sex ALOT.... i mean i LOVE sex”
by Shhingjbfy February 28, 2019
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Brown hair and brown eyes, this girl comes across as witty. But apparently thats all she has. She lacks smarts, looks (even though she thinks shes gorgeous) , and friends. Personality problems anda quick temper scares those away.
Wow, nikki freaked out again.


I dont know something about Jersey Shore?

I heard she creates her own friends.

Its true. I saw.
by AnonymousPerson17 October 31, 2010
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You know Nikki?
Yeah! You mean that short asian girl?
Yep! That's Nikki all right!
by someonewhoiscool December 10, 2007
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A total bro chick. Has your back if you have hers. Nikki still looks hot in sweatpants or a sweatshirt. She will either be partying or playing video games. You definately want to have a Nikki!
Bro me and Nikki stayed up until 3 am playing video games!

Dude no way! I want a Nikki!
by partypooper22 January 9, 2012
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An amazing girl who if you have a Nikki in your life don’t let her go.She is nice,funny,pretty and just basically a goddess on earth.When you first meet her she is kinda shy but if you are lucky enough to be her friend you’ll know how amazing and outgoing she is
Guy 1-man who is that girl??
Guy 2-that’s Nikki!!she so amazing

Guy3-wait who?
Girl 1-dont mess with her she’s my best friend you don’t deserve her
by Lividyliv December 21, 2017
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