Nae nae Ballhair is when your ball hair is so long your fingers get stuck in it
Jared: My Ballhair is so long that when I was jerking off my fingers got stuck

Bash: that’s called nae nae Ballhair my dude
by CheezWhizAddict April 15, 2020
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nae nae

by Naenaethepainaway August 25, 2019
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Something Fucking gay that should stop.
Deondre: watch me whip!
Lashanda: watch me nae nae!
FilthyFrank: Its time to stop!!
Me: Please for the love of God end the Whip and Nae Nae
by Swaglan February 17, 2016
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The belief that your social studies teacher is the best person to walk the earth. On the other hand the rival social studies teacher is the devil reincarnate
Cheezwhizaddict: Bro mr turner is such a nae nae turner!

Whoreepuke: yeah but mr. Demeter is totally not
by CheezWhizAddict April 15, 2020
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similar to naed or getting roasted. In other terms, it’s roasting to such a level the victim of the roast is hurt.
bro you just got nae nae sauced.
by thatsaneck June 1, 2018
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1: The art and act of hitting the nae nae so successfully that it ultimately becomes known as the "Gucci Nae Nae."
2: A chant that orignated from the woodwinds that is used to intimidate a certain percussionist.
We won't stop until we get what we want. We want the Gucci Nae Nae.
by turnipchewerlolxd69 October 24, 2018
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