I stepped on my friend Julia unknowingly because she is a midget.
by aarondaelephanttipple June 20, 2018
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having a big ass forehead, having short legs and being 5'3 head ass
keivn is a midget head ass.
by _Fuck_Kevin_ October 19, 2019
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In real life, it is usually a very small person, used for entertainment, however, the word midget is also used as an insult, used at people who are smaller by about an inch, it's not fuckin nice at all, I'm not that tall and I'm called a midget at school, let me tell you, ANYONE calls me this one more time, I am gonna fuckin snap, I take my height very seriously, it's not my fuckin fault that I'm not some fuckin giant, some prick who I even consider a friend called me this, unless it's someone who can take a joke then don't fuckin say it to people, you think it's fuckin funny, it's not, why the fuck did I ave to get this height? Don't ask, it's fuckin stupid the shit like this
Fuck all you haters, anyone call me a midget RIGHT IN MY FUCKIN FACE I will fuckin SNAP, I'm pissed off because of my height, what the fuck is there problems? Dicklhead my so called fuckin friend knows how well I take jokes, so I might lose it with him
by Form of Despise January 7, 2006
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also known as a chubby, an adj. describing a semi- erect penis.
Billy Blanks is sport'n a midget during his Tae Bo videos
by rossta January 26, 2005
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midgetism is being extremely short but not having dwarfism
zain: “look it’s a person with dwarfism she’s so cute!”
yara: “silly she doesn’t have dwarfism she has midgetism shes really short but not short enough to have dwarfism”
by daddy tayim July 29, 2018
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Anything smaller than usual but sometimes better or funnier than average compared to how small it is. They are Beasts at basketball but get swatted because of their shortness.
that midget(person) was 3 feet tall

I had a midget lunch today
by Failcantcompete March 6, 2009
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acronym for 'mini idiots dangerously growing even tinier'
omg look @ da midget ova der.. hez lyk so smal!
by juss anotherr gurl... September 13, 2005
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