Mia is a wonderful amazing person and a great friend you are blessed if you have a Mia in your life but just make sure she does not fart in your bed. She also is very sexy, hot and has a big cute butt
Oh my gosh look at Mia's butt its so big
by happy pranks August 28, 2019
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MIA is a girl who just wants to be heard, she loves helping people even when those people don't help her. she has the perfect heart, she would never hurt anyone unless they are ignorant towards her, she can be a good girl, but she can also be the baddest or the baddest of girls. MIA is the perfect girlfriend, she supports the man like he is the #1 goal, she makes the man happy in many ways. MIA has the perfect shape she does not have too much of anything, all of her is just right.
The girl i went on a date with was a total MIA, she was amazing.
by WZUP November 2, 2018
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Man whered we set that blunt at? Shit went MIA!
by MrGrinch August 7, 2003
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Mia, is the most beautiful girl in the whole world, I love her more than life itself. She has the most joyous heart and a perfect smile. She brings so much happiness to me and i never want to be away from her. She lights up my world and brought me my son. She is amazing!! Her booty is so freaking juicy and her pussy is tasty and tight
by bbbonnor December 14, 2019
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The hottest chick on the planet. Almost alien-like because they are so naturally beautiful. Very independent and very hard to tie down. Naturally artistic and very honest girl. She will never be seen without looking totally gorgeous, in the raw or gussied up! They have gorgeous hearts and minds to match their stunning looks. If you meet a Mia you will forever be fascinated by her mysterious charisma. Mia is also mine in Italian. So, every man wants one.
That chick is a total Mia!!

I want her to be Mia!/ ( I want her to be mine!)
by hockeyloverz January 20, 2010
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Mia is a loving, caring, shy person. When you first meet she will be nice but shy. Once you get to know her you will realize her inner and outer beauty. Mia has the BEST one of a kind personality . Mia is a self conscious person and never accepts the beautiful girl she really is. Mia is clumsy but in a cute way. Mia is a loving person but has a difficult time maintaining relationships, but don’t let that bring you down because if you love her, she will love you 100 times more and will try her best to always make you happy. Mia has the cutest smile ever and whenever she smiles you will smile because you will realize her true beauty. Do not stare into her eyes because you will get lost in the most beautiful eyes ever. Overall Mia is the most amazing person EVER, and if you are ever friends with a Mia, do not do anything stupid to lose her because one day you are gonna NEED her in your life. If Mia is your girlfriend, you better never do anything stupid because she will make your life so much better and without her all you will see is darkness.
Guy: Damn who’s that hot girl standing over there
Me: That’s Mia, the best person ever!
by Nobody Knows 1321 October 24, 2019
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