An alcoholic woman who only drinks, because her husband can’t stop drinking. When they’re both drunk all hell is loose. They both can’t handle alcohol. Especially Martha, who hates to admit she’s the worst kind of drunk. A suicidal drunk. She also claims to be bisexual and threatens to leave her husband for a woman. But nobody sees that happening, because she’s a hypocrite. One day she loves women and the next she’s over them. I really just wish these two can figure out that they are not soulmates and just split already.
Jake: Bro I’m so Martha right now!
Mike: How many beers did you drink?

Jake: 4

Mike: Yeah..... you need to stop drinking now.
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Crazy old lady in her thirties that likes little girls that are underage, targets

are usually teenage girls with disabilities. Lies a lot to get out of things or to make things go her way. Can't tell the truth if her life depended on it.

Thinks that the world revolves around her.
Name Martha
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A very butch woman who loves men yet most would expect she would be the masculine in a lesbian relationship. Typically very moody and grouchy woman. Likes to be negative and loves drama in all aspects of life.
Totally sick of being around her today. She's all Martha'd out.
by Son Dont August 23, 2019
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Martha is a young and beautiful girl. She has a spiffing taste in fashion and she knows her way around town. However, she doesn’t have any hobbies.
woah did you see that girl just walk past?”
yeah man, that’s martha
by elamenapee March 30, 2020
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Martha is the complete opposite of a Karen. Martha is homely and overly-involved with her children. She homeschools her kids and wants to hang out with them all the time. But Martha will have some Karen tendencies. So, look out for those.
"Did you hear that Martha is being taken to a rest home? Too much time with the kids."
by holl_doll2010 May 14, 2020
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