A very beautiful woman, that can definitely change your life, she will make you the happiest and luckiest guy in the world. You will not regret meeting her.
"I need a Mika in my world."
by M&Mpants December 8, 2013
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A mika sometimes acts gay when he’s not but will also be really funny. A mika is usually skinny and is that one kid who likes to flex on people.
by Hehheheheh October 19, 2019
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Mika is one of greatest people you'll ever meet in life. She's always there for you and stands up for you. She's honest and loyal and we never betray you in any way. If you have a Mika hold on to her and never let her go because if you do you'll be sad. She's such great friend that'll be there to pick you up when you fall. Mika makes you laugh when you sad, makes you happy when you said.
BE grateful to have a Mika in your life because she one of kind. Mika is funny and a CINNAMON ROLL THAT NEEDS TO BE PROTECT BY ALL. If you meet Mika you'll love her instantly by her personality.
Person1 :"Mika is such a good friend."
Person2:"I know right, she made me happy when I was said."
by Gabster10000111 March 28, 2018
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The most bad ass asian you will ever meet. Mikas tend to be very cute, while still being able to kick your ass.
Yuki: Did you see Mika today?
Luke: Yeah, she kicked my ass, but she is still so cute.
Yuki: True dat.
by Maddie10134 January 21, 2012
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Mikas are awesome individuals. They are also daredevils who will never let you get to the end of a sentence if they have something urgent to say. The name most times means Beautiful Flower in Japanese. They can also be very artistic. If you ever come across a Mika in your lifetime, make friends and see what you will become because of that Beautiful Flower.
Rude Person: Look at how artistic that girl is *said sarcastically*! What is her name again?
Best Friend: Her NAME is Mika. She actually is artistic. She can paint more paintings in an hour than you can do in a day *laughs and walks over to Mika to explain what happened*
by ladyrocker January 7, 2017
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Although rare Mika is someone you will always want to keep in your life. she is extremely talented in all aspects of her life, she's exceptionally smart and always look's 110% amazing. If you ever get the chance to meet such a wonderful person, Mika loves James in a gay way
Mika is AMAZING!
by J.k1tch November 13, 2018
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