The best part of the school day. Or, for unorganised students, the worst time of the day used for cramming for the next test or finishing the project due in 5 minutes.
FUck man I have a massive bio project due next class. BUt I'm fine, I got lunch.
by RandomHighschoolerDude March 25, 2016
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A large mpeg file that got emailed around the office containing an asian woman sticking her whole fist into her mouth then vomitting a yellow liquid into a bucket. Then she proceeds to drink the vomit from the bowl, then using her fingers she fishes out the lumpy bits and eats them, then she vomits some more. The emails original name was changed to \'lunch\' to trick collegues into opening the file.
ex: \'Hey, have you seen that \'lunch\' mpeg - it\'s fucking gross man!\'

ex: \'He got me with that \'lunch\' mpeg again, I keep opening it by mistake!\'
by Garkus April 27, 2005
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To Masturbate Aka have sex with oneself.
This way if you have an instant messaging program you can keep people from talking to you by putting your Status to "Out to lunch" While Masturbating.

It is also a good way to talk about Masturbation in public area's without anyone having any idea of what you are actualy talking about.

It is also very amusing because Lunch is very Similiar to Masturbation. You must clean up after Lunch and you can buy Lunch or you can eat Lunch.

And you can ask people If they have lunch everyday and then laugh at them when they say yes. Because they have no idea what you just said and they think WTF
Bob: Hey, ted do you have lunch at work?
Ted: Yeah...Doesnt Everybody.
Bob: ewwwwww no not me! Thats just wrong...
ted: wtf!!!!!!
by The Lunch Maker May 7, 2008
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Lunched means to be excluded or not allowed somewhere with the people your with at the time. Or your mates lying to make you not want to go someware.
Damn ive been lunched.

Any of you guys seen Robb or phil? They lunched it.

Rob phones Phil to ask if he wants to come out but John is round phil's smoking up, so Phils tell Rob that hes not comming out. So they have lunched Rob
by super dodger May 8, 2007
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If one is lunch, one doesnt possess qualities of a lad, they are feminine and not up for a laugh. to say one is not lunch is a great compliment
"I'll get the beers in to prove I aint lunch"
by lord mortimer August 14, 2009
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When someone is acting stupid or having fun... usually as a result of being high... can also be called a "lunchbox"
by Anonymous October 9, 2003
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