Meaning someone who is really sweet and/or cute.

Used in place of terms such as sweetie, cutie, honey, babe, baby, dear or darling.

A pet name for someone as a term of endearment.
Girl: Well, I'll talk to you later darling. Love you!

Guy: Alright, night Kush!

Girl: Not going to say it back?

Guy: Sweet Dreams Kush!
by abhobo December 18, 2009
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1. (n) an object of high quality

2. (v) very comfortable, often times associated with wealth

1. "Can buy the standard line or you can buy the kush"

2. "She has the most kush sheets money can buy"
by jma1502 April 24, 2009
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A strong, and very potent strain of marijuana usauly associated with the southern states, but is originaly from india and africa.
YOU: damn man, i had some bomb ass chorn last nite.
OTHER: what was it man?
YOU: it was that Kush man.
by Big Kush Oner August 23, 2008
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v. To break, dent, or crack an inanimate object.
Hey guys remember that time in treasure lake when vivek almost kushed my car.
by Dynxx October 5, 2009
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Being in a good situation or making a situation easier
Dude, if you can get straight A's, your going to be kush.
That football team sucks balls, this game is going to be kush.
by Ch4peR4pE January 28, 2008
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A small furry desktop friend. Can be multi colored, wearing glasses or a seatbelt.
Brandon: What is that thing on your near your computer.
Danny: It's a kush
by Eminem December 4, 2004
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A penile/penis wrinkle. He can be funny but his humor is very not poggers.
Look how unfunny Kush is
by mrswagg69696 December 25, 2020
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