A shmeat head who sucks dick for a living
Keegan got a shmeat.
by Ben Sneed December 1, 2017
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Someone so fucking annoying. They always fucking follow you, talk extremely loud, and have terrible voice cracks. Sometimes they are too nice which makes you want to die. They don't understand personal space. And are overly attached to the person they like.
1. Omg did you see Keegan today
2. Ughhh YESS... He's driving me crazy
1. Same bitch
2. Let's go get tea now hehe
by Gurlllllll55 May 4, 2019
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A guy who really can be your friend. However, he annoys people too, with his lame yo mama jokes. He listens to a lot of rap music, especially Tyler, the Creator.
Me: Keegan, what are you doing?

Keegan: Yo mama.
by The best definition inventor January 3, 2020
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As weird as possible. Extremely autistic. Looks like a complete nerd
Evan is being such keegan
by Yyyhy November 27, 2018
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A large. hairy, misshapen penis that ressmbles the Canadian Sasquach.

(Can be used in a pick-up line.-Hey girl, you want a bite of my Keegan sandwich?)

Similar words
Keeganite- A male that has a huge Keegan.
Keeganita- An insult used on females. (Be careful when using this word. Females have been known to commit suicide or go on homocidal rampages after being called a Keeganita.)
Guy: Dude, you have such a small penis!
Dude: Well at least I don't have a Keegan.
Would you like some grated Keeg on top of your salad?
A steak and Keeg sub.
Mac and Keeg
Grilled Keeg sandwich.
by The Big Keeg February 2, 2010
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