A nickname for a dystopian psychopath who appears to offer utopia to lost and searching people.
That guy offering you a free ticket into Shangri La is a malignant jim joneser who will be serving you Kool Aid in no time.
by Dr Bunnygirl January 4, 2019
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A girl is jonesing for a bonesing when she has been deprived of sex, is desperate for male attention, and/or is simply a slut looking to get boned on any given night by any given dude. Girls that are JFAB are easily taken down by almost any guy after a few drinks and not saying anything too wild that would mess up your outstanding, essentially assumed chances.
Broski: "Dude did you take that chick to pound town last night after the bar?"

Standard Dude: "You know it. Basically talked to her for a minute or two before last call and she said we should go back to her place after I passed the "test" of remembering her name."

Broski: "Haha legit. She was clearly jonesing for a bonesing."
by JeffSpicoli February 7, 2011
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someone is Phil Jonesed when a girl/guy makes them strip with the intention to have sex but then changes his/her mind and not have sex with them, resulting in them putting their clothes back on in failure and shame.

a reference to Manchester United player Phil Jones who took his shirt off in celebration before Sergio Aguero's late league winning goal during the 2011/2012 BPL season
john: did you get lucky with Sasha?

tom: no she came over, we made out then she stopped and left after i got naked

john: you got Phil Jonesed
by ThatDude1988 July 10, 2012
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(v.) The act of poisoning someone's Kool-Aid.
Whenever someone makes Kool-Aid I worry about them Jim Jonesing us.
by EtaThetaRhoSigma October 4, 2013
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The incredible urge to listen to Tom Jones. Usually occurs after a moment where someones actions force a Tom Jones song to mind.
*Female coworker burps*

"Woah, woah, woah, she's a lady" (best if sung out loud in response)

'Damnit, now im Tom Jonesing for some 'Thunderball''
by Muff Potter February 9, 2014
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To be caught with child pornography, or to be caught having been involved in sexual acts with someone under theage of consent. Can also be used as a derogetary term to imply someone is a paedophile when in fact they aren't
"Did you hear that old man down the street was Mr Jonesed? knew something was up with him..."
by Uzumaki Mitch June 14, 2006
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