super stubborn and annoying at first, but really nice and kind hearted once you get to know him, super cute, adorable smile that makes a girl blush :), loveable and gentle, super awkward and shy, loves cats and movies <3

everyone blames him for everything tho.
"bro, is she actually looking for jerry again?"

"yeah, i guess she's just in love..."
by iinotmilxna May 12, 2022
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A shortened form of "Germans" that wasn't really any shorter but was a bit easier to say. You can't really say "Gers" so it became "Jerries". Not necessarily a racial slur, but Germans may take offense to this.
Bill: "Hey lookit the Germans makin hot dogs over there."

Frank: "Refer to them as 'jerries', please."
by Jacob Holdaway April 6, 2008
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An ancient God, who ruled over the Earth and gave very sexist prophecies. He believed that women belonged in the kitchen, while the men ruled over them.
"Make me a sandwich." The first words Jerry ever said to a woman
by Alexandrove February 29, 2012
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Neanderthalic chant that is heard from the audience or fans of Jerry Springer. Always repeated for emphasis when something wacky and zany is going to a cat fight.
Floozy #1 She gots ta gets away from my man!
Floozy #2 No, I ain't gonna, he's mine!
Jerry Springer: Uh oh...sounds like trouble!
Crowd: Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
by thedzone October 3, 2009
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A "Jerry", or calling someone "Jerry" who's government name is not in fact Jerry is often seen as a sign of respect, and in many circles, a unparalleled badge of honor. Variations and mutations of the name Jerry melded with that of a commonly known celebrity, athlete, or cultural reference, are also viewed to be a symbolic form of admiration.
Jerry-atric, (Old Jerry)
Jerry Senifeld, (Funny Jerry)
Jerry-co Cotchrey, (Athletic Jerry)
by Jerry Angelo January 14, 2010
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Jerry is one of the handsomest boys you will ever meet. He loves to talk to u and he is very good at making conversation.. Jerry is one of the nicest, kind, funny, and hottest boys you will meet.
Jerry is a high school boy that is very charming and cute. He laughs a lot and makes sad things fun. Jerry is a very fun person to be around.
by ••Teya•• October 26, 2019
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A hipster in every sense. Loves being artsy, and wants/ likes small beards. . Has a large penis, and knows it. He is very dramatic, charismatic, and intelligent. Determined to achieve his goal. Is very flirty by nature. Has more friends that are girls than boys. Loves Broadway and people like John legend and Ed sheeran. Seems gay, but in reality isn't, just searching for the right girl. Tends to not know the right girl is right there
Amber: Maya, I think I'm in love with jerry.

Maya: well no duh, he's fantastic. Have u slept with him yet?
Amber: oh yeah. He's great in bed. He knows EXACTLY what I want when he goes down on me.
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