Large set of breasts, melons, chebbs
Wowzer rooney...... Look at the Jemima Puddleducks on that!
by Nudga_9 February 16, 2012
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A fat girl with crusty skin and fat rolls. Mainly black girls
That bitch Alyssa is such a fat jemima.
by Kylene green June 8, 2014
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when you dip your nut sack into aunt jemima syrup, then you proceed to drag your sticky balls across a girl's face.
I gave her an aunt jemima last night after the party and she loved it. My balls are still sticky.
by captain crapy pants September 3, 2011
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oh my god, this Aunt Jemima syrup has a black lady on it! I hate black people now!
by JeromeKuiperBelt June 19, 2020
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Female equivalent of an Uncle Tom. A nigger bitch that sucks white dick to get ahead in life
Condolezza Rice is an Aunt Jemima.
by Bob Boberts April 10, 2005
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Take a relatively old black woman (at least older than your mom) force feed her seven dry pancakes. Fill her up with syrup...proceed to eat her out. If you followed directions precisely, you should be able to taste the best pancakes of your life.
I'm a volunteer at an old folks home, only because each week this lady in the back corner lets me Aunt Jemima her real dirty.
by BPC@stanford October 21, 2007
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1: A good looking girlfriend/good time girl that is always up for sex
2: A Decent looking Fuck buddy
Guy 1: That girl is so fine that I gotta make her my bedroom jemima
Guy 2: man that's so true
by Where's that jemima at?? March 16, 2014
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