In a way, Japan is like England. An island off the coast of a continent, most of the countries therein not really liking them (see France for england and korea for Japan) because they both could charm the pants off any of their women and kick their bums in a duel. (yob vs. frenchman. Samurai vs. some kung-fu guy)

Both had an Empire.

Both rock. More than rocks.

Both peoples are known for their reserve.
It's true. Japan and England are like...long lost brothers or something..
by Claude Yoshimoto September 7, 2006
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The best bomb test in site
Random guy: Woah see that out in the distance?
Nuclear technician: That's Japan, our new testing site
by Drink My Bleach July 9, 2017
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A highly developed, extremely racist and xenophobic country with awesome food such as sushi and udon noodles, as well as a complex and highly interesting culture. Sadly, it is also home to retarded ultra-nationalistic fuckwits like risingsun who love to talk shit about other countries behind their computers.
Japan is pretty cool. Too bad it's home to fucktards like risingsun who'd probably get their asses whupped if they dared to say their shit in real life.
by rko25655 November 14, 2011
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The coolest place to visit with anime porn, great technology, and the country that supplies our cars because American cars suck balls.
Japan is much better than America because when America made the Atomic bomb it has escaladed to thepoint where every body could nuke each other. Also the national anthom of America sucks... so does their flag. Hentai 4 ever!!!!
by Torito April 22, 2005
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(Verb) To splash someone non consensually with a large amount of water, sometimes to the extent that they have a meltdown over it.
I got Japaned on my run today. An 18 wheeler going by me went through a puddle and I didn't move away in time.

Kid at pool: Yo watch me Japan Kevin! (jumps in pool next to Kevin who is sunbathing)
Kevin: What the hell kid!?
Kid: Don't have a melt down over it.
by Elitist Fetus April 11, 2011
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The most fucked up place in the world, it's also one of the most fun places in the world
"Yo i was at Japan and i swear i saw a Porno vendor!"
by androidkidx April 30, 2012
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The only island country and the only country with four seasons
Haruto: Name an island country then name a country with four seasons
Jack: An island country is the Philippines and a country with four seasons is Germany
Haruto: Wrong! Japan is the only island country and the only country with four seasons
by Galinial December 21, 2021
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